Truro Model Railroaders Association

The World’s Greatest Hobby.

About Us

Truro Model Railroaders Association

A Brief History In 1977 a group of like-minded individuals decided to form a club where they could meet, discuss, build, model and share ideas about their common passion. This passion was the rail road, to be more specific, the model railroad. Many of the early and current members have a unique view of the railroading industry. Some have either worked on, with or near the railroad, and because of this history; they love to model the industry and their fond memories.

The Truro Model Railroaders Association or T.M.R.A. was founded in 1977. At the beginning the T.M.R.A. was small, and convened in the member’s basements, garages, spare bedrooms or small spaces of member’s homes. Each member contributing their own skills to enhance the club and other member’s view of the hobby of model railroading.

Once the T.M.R.A. had grown beyond the confines of basements and garages, the club occupied many different and diverse locations throughout the years. In fact the T.M.R.A. called home to more than a dozen different spaces and have had to move because of various reasons. Most recently the club was required to find a new location. The T.M.R.A. had the use of a space in the Normal College in Truro, after years at that location; the T.M.R.A. was required to move due to the safety concerns of the property. Now the Truro Model Railroaders Association is located in a temporary space in a large storage room off the Men’s Changing Room in the basement of the Sports & Wellness Centre of the Truro Community College.

The Truro Model Railroaders Association is now in search of a permanent location to call home. The location will need to be secure and accessible to all of the public. The space will need to be large enough to house and operate our club’s modular layout, as well as holding public viewings and club meetings and future workshops and clinics. We are a nonprofit organization and our resources are very limited. If you or someone you know may have a space that meets our needs, please contact the Truro Model Railroaders Association.

During the Truro Model Railroaders Association’s history, the club participated in many public events. These events include visiting or hosting model train shows. These shows are where the public can view the club’s layouts, and purchase models, equipment and supplies from vendors. Other events include Conventions and Exhibitions. In previous years the T.M.R.A. have had displays at the local Truro Malls as well as hosting workshops and clinics to help members and enthusiasts expand their hobby. Over the past +40 years some members of the T.M.R.A. participated in “Rail Fan Trips”. Rail Fan Trips are where the members travel to other locations by train to experience the ambiance of rail travel, see new sites either within our region or in faraway locations. Some of these Rail Fan Trips even include travelling on other modes of transportation to then experience rail travel.

Model Railroading is considered to be the “World’s Greatest Hobby”. Model Railroading is more than just a train set running around on an oval track; Model Railroading has many aspects that anyone can enjoy.

Due to the evolution of the model railroading hobby, and the introduction of microelectronics within the trains, T.M.R.A. have and will be holding more clinics and workshops on the updated topics.

Thank you for visiting our website, please feel free to look around. Check out our Facebook site as well.

If you would like to contact the Truro Model Railroaders Association, please click here.